Silicon chrome

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More than 90% of the silicon-chromium alloy is used as a reducing agent for medium, low, and micro-carbon ferro chrome in electric silicon thermal smelting. In addition, silicon-chromium alloys are also used as deoxidizers and alloying agents for steelmaking. With the development of oxygen steelmaking, the use of silicon-chromium alloys to reduce chromium in steel slag and add some chromium has been widely used. According to statistics, the average consumption of silicon-chromium alloy per ton of steel is about 0.5kg.
The properties of silicon chromium alloy
Silicon-chromium alloy is a silicide of chromium and iron, which is ferro chromium containing sufficient silicon.
Chromium silicide is more stable than carbide, so when the silicon content in Fe-Cr-Si alloy increases, the carbon content decreases.
Smelting process
There are two methods of smelting silicon-chromium alloy, one-step method and two-step method. The one-step method is also called the slag method; the two-step method is also called the no-slag method. The one-step method is to add chromium ore, silica and coke into the furnace together to smelt silicon-chromium alloy. The first step of the two-step method is to add chrome ore and coke to the first electric furnace to smelt high-carbon ferro chrome; the second step is to crush high-carbon ferro chrome and put it into another electric furnace together with silica and coke Inside, smelting silicon-chromium alloy. At present, my country adopts two-step method to smelt silicon-chromium alloy in industrial production, and a small part uses one-step method.
Smelting principle
The one-step method of smelting silicon-chromium alloy is to simultaneously reduce chromium trioxide in chromium ore and silicon dioxide in silica with carbon. The main reaction in the electric furnace includes two parts: reduction and refining decarburization reaction. The reduction reaction is similar to that of smelting high-carbon ferro chromium and ferro silicon. The difference is that the one-step method of smelting silicon-chromium alloy uses refractory chromium ore, and the chromium ore is also larger in size, thus ensuring that the reduction of Cr2O3 and SiO2 are carried out at the same time under similar temperature conditions.
The raw materials used in the two-step smelting of silicon-chromium alloys include high-carbon ferro chrome (reprocessed ferro chrome), silica, coke and steel shavings. The composition of high-carbon ferro chrome should meet the national standard; the particle size should not be too large. When using a 12500kV.A electric furnace, the particle size of high-carbon ferro chrome is required to be less than 20mm, and when using a 3000kV.A electric furnace, the particle size of high-carbon ferro chrome is required to be less than 13mm. The requirements for silica, coke and steel shavings are basically the same as those for smelting ferro silicon.

The two-step method of smelting silicon-chromium alloy is to reduce SiO2 in silica by carbon in the presence of high-carbon ferro chrome, the reduced silicon destroys the carbide of chromium, and removes the carbon in the alloy to make silicon-chromium alloy. The smelting process is basically the same as the process of smelting 45% ferro silicon.
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